In Good Company premieres None But the Best

Weekly Video Series on background to None but the Best
October 15, 2013
IGC Shows Available for Booking
August 1, 2015

In Good Company premieres None But the Best

Our new production, “None But the Best,” premiered in Boston at the Tremont Temple on November 2 and 3 to enthusiastic audiences.  The play, which shares the life and works of “the most famous person we never met,” philanthropist and publisher Daniel Sharp Ford, shared, through songs, dances, stories and drama, the work of the man who published “The Youth’s Companion,” the most popular newspaper in America in the late nineteenth century.  Ford funded New England Baptist Hospital and the Ruggles Street Baptist Church, and endowed the Boston Baptist Social Union, which continues Ford’s mission of helping the poor and indigent.  “None But the Best” played in Sherborn on November 16 and will be performed in early December for the Boston Baptist Social Union.